Hey Will, what's your address?
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The production opens with young Grace (Presley Allard) becoming possessed by the demon "Deominous" (Tony Vespe voice). Her family communicates with the demon and offers to leave the house and give them a larger human sacrifice in return for Grace. Grace returns to normal. Meanwhile across town Will (Jon Michael Simpson) is in the kitchen at 1AM making cake pops and working as a Presto Paste customer service rep. His girlfriend comes home from a promotion dinner, one Will refused to attend. This causes a rift and Amy (Paige Evans) leaves, although it is Will looking for a place the next day. He gets a great rental price on the aforementioned home. He first discovers a ghost (Scout Flint) trapped in the house by the demon. He learns that the demon does want his soul and tells Will to leave. Discovering Amy does not want him either, he returns to the haunted house. Things get worse from here with the passing of Zelda Rubinstein.

The movie is supposed to be comedy horror. It was neither. The lines were attempts at humor. They managed to bring things talked about earlier back to play a role at the end, which is normally good script writing except when it is inane and not funny.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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