Aftermath (2004)
Extremely Raw
23 January 2023
Claes and Britt have lost their 12-year old daughter, run over by a car. Each fights their demons in their own way, and their marital relationship is shaken. Britt returns to work but her judgment and conduct are not as they should be; Claes works through but his anger leads to his suspension.

Claes boss Nisse, and boss's wife Vivi, are sympathetic but they are at a crossroads in their own relationship. All four are walking on eggshells.

The story is told without exposition. We are drip-fed just enough information to keep us engaged, and gave to work out some background for ourselves, being soared none of the anguish.

We English are stereotyped as having a stiff upper lip, but Claes and Britt take this to another level. Where Britt buries her grief, Claes bristles with suppressed rage to the point where we question his ability to function.

The story pulls no punches. There is no pretence of 'good' and 'bad', only 'hurt'. All major characters suffer crises of one form or another, but we empathise and want resolution for them.

Two minor characters, Malene and Ulrik, deserve particular credit. I didn't know the actors but they perform beyond the scope of their roles.

A powerful story of people on the edge.
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