Night Club (II) (1989)
Negative ten out a positive ten.
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You can tell by the very start of this poorly acted (and even with worse writing and direction, if that's possible) that this is going to be probably the worst film of the '80s, if not of all times, a pointless crime drama surrounding plans to open up a nightclub and the struggles of the young couple to fulfill their goals while dealing with criminal elements. I couldn't even bring myself to mention the actor's names because then I would have to remove the description of the actor indescribing them. They have absolutely no screen spark together or separate, and from what I see, this probably tanked instantly because there is nothing appealing about it in description, in promotion or inside the film.

This is the type of film that you know within 10 minutes is going to be a challenge to make it even halfway through. No one in the cast is a recognizable name, and seeing the studio's name (Crown), that says it all because in the late 1970's, they were already making trashy films, and still in business a decade later, responsible for many of the biggest fiascos of the decade let alone all the time. I didn't find any of the characters at all believable or worth spending my time in trying to find any reason to be interested in their situation. Save yourself the agony on this one and just skip it.
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