such a surprising revelation of where chocolate comes from
25 January 2023
This was such a gem of a movie! Simple and so heart-felt. It really makes you think about the things we take for granted. Much respect for the hard work of the farmers. I really enjoyed it!

I've never soon the full process of making chocolate and this was aye-opening. I must admit that coming into it I really had no idea that cacao is basically made from a fruit that grows on a tree. That's a was su surprising to see. I share the view of one of the people featured that it's really like "what? This is what a cacao pod looks like?!" And then all the steps that you have to go through to make the actual chocolate. I'm not a cook myslef so this was all very impressive. Makes you wonder how the original people figured out how t do all of this... Felt like a learnt a lot. Should be inculded in school classes on agriculture.
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