This should never have been made. The Milgram experiment was done and dusted in 1963.
26 January 2023
Come on people. Didn't we learn from the Milgram experiment in 1963 that putting people through this can ruin a persons life? And Derren did this to four people allegedly!!!

This saddens me that this kind of thing was ever made. The field of psychology has moved on, yes it is well know that human capacity to follow orders, though there is a spectrum of people who will and won't. This is obvious in how Derren weeds out people that will not comply. This show does not offer anything new, or any real insight so it becomes pure exploitation for the titillation of the audience at the expense of the victim of the show. I don't care what they might have signed when trying to get onto a Derren show, to put people into that position for the sake of entertainment, is not justified. If the purpose of the show is to inform people about human nature there are more ethical ways to do that.

Again look up The Milgram experiment for some background on this.
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