Dater's Handbook (2016 TV Movie)
Cringeworthy Hallmark TV movie that will bore and disappoint you!
28 January 2023
Dater's Handbook is a cringeworthy Hallmark TV movie that will leave you feeling disappointed. Starring Cass (played by Meghan Markle), the movie follows her journey in finding love, with guidance from Dr Susie's self-help book.

The storyline is both predictable and cringe-inducing. Cass is successful in her business life, yet unsuccessful in her personal life, so she follows the advice of Dr Susie's "Dater's Handbook" to help her find the right man to settle down with. She dates several guys and evaluates them according to the criteria provided in Dr Susie's book, before finally deciding between reliable George and fun-loving Robert.

The predictability of this TV movie makes it incredibly boring and unoriginal. From the beginning, you can pretty much guess how it will end. Cass finds true love with either George (played by Jonathan Scarfe) or Robert (played by Kristoffer Polaha) after going through various trials and tribulations; but you are still subjected to watching their painful interactions throughout the entire duration of this hour and a half long film just to get there.

This movie also lacks originality as it uses so many standard romantic comedy tropes that have been done far better by other films. The dialogue is corny and clichéd, featuring lines like "You have to go on a date with yourself first" and "Maybe what we need here is a little faith"; the characters are one dimensional; and the plot moves along at a snail's pace.

On top of all this, Dater's Handbook fails to deliver any emotional depth or character development that could potentially redeem it. With such an unremarkable cast of characters - including an irritatingly perfect best friend - you don't feel any real connection or investment in their relationships or story arcs whatsoever.

Overall, Dater's Handbook is an incredibly forgettable Hallmark TV movie that offers nothing new or original for viewers. It employs a range of tropes from other similar movies but fails to add anything unique or interesting into its already formulaic plotline and flat characters - making it difficult for viewers to invest any emotion into what is happening on screen. This disappointing rom-com drama should be avoided at all costs unless you're looking for something predictable, boring and utterly cringeworthy!
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