El güero estrada (1997 Video)
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like I had said in other of my review, which most of them are dedicated to movies that focuses on other of their kind, this one turned out to be another well-made adaptation of another good Mexican corrido.

El Güero Estrada (Here comes the full plot summary):

The movie begins with a sheriff patrol, who's chasing a biker on the highway, until the baker heads to the river, and reveals to be El Güero Estrada; who jump to the water, while the officer tries to shoot him, but fail. And before the Sheriff leave, flipped ''the bird" to Estrada.

Then a little while later, El Güero Estrada is retelling that anecdote with exaggeration, to his friends; for that sake of entertaining them. Then Estrada approach to the bar to ask the bartender for a drink, and Mireya( the gypsy) tries to convinced him to her reading his fu, but he declined. A moment later, a man, Garañon, enters the bar and ask Mireya where he can find El Güero Estrada, and she let him know that is the one having conversation with the other on the table ahead; and before Garañon proceeded to approach Estrada, Mireya tries to offer her hand reading services but he declined; and as his heading to Estrada, Mireya had seen Garañon's tragic faith. Then Garañon chat with Estrada, about a 30-pound-marijuana deal, that he wants to do with him; because according to waht Garañon had heard, Estrada is the best in ''The business". And Estrada agrees to make the deal, and after he hook Garañon with a woman that he spend the night with, the agreed to meet on a place, the next morning. The following morning, El Güero Estrada is waiting for Garañon, who arrived to the meeting; bringing the 30-pounds of grass on a pick-up truck. After verifying the grass is ''class-A", Estrada pays him with fake money; and as Garañon ask for an explanation, Estrada proceeds to chase him until he corners him on the woods, and kill him with he's gun. And then Estrada leave with ''the cargo".

That night on an unknown location, a truck with a big group of immigrants is bring to El Güero Estrada, who is waiting for them. And among in the group, two siblings, Dimas and Asusena have high hopes that they will cross the border; and earn money. But Dimas had a little beef with Estrada, because Estrada let them know that they need to be divided on to group: men divided from women, and Dimas didn't like the idea; and Estrada taunt him. But unfortunately, Dimas had to agreed, because Asusena let him know how hard was for both of them to leave El Salvador.

The following morning El Güero Estrada, used one of his friend to distract the border patrol, that is currently guarding one the other side of the river; and as they are crossing, Asusena get stuck on the river, and Estrada help her. But as the other two friends of Estrada decided to leave with Dimas, and the rest of the other immigrants, to avoid ''getting caught"; Estrada accidentally asphyxiated Asusena, because Estrada completas who cute she looked after ''taking a bath", and she took it in the wrong way, believing that Estrada was trying to sexual assaulting her, when it was quite the opposite. After witness the mistake that he had done, El Güero Estrada, impotent, cursed everything and leave the place.

A moment later, Estrada's friends arrive to a Billy Matthews' home, and delivered the immigrants; so they can work for him on his lands. Then Billy receives a phone call from El Güero Estrada, and Billy let him know that he was specting beautiful ladies not ''effing ugly ones", and Estrada promise next time he will bring him a ''beautiful señorita". Meanwhile, Dimas comfeses to a friend, that his worrid something happend to Asusena, but his friend comfort him that Estrada is the best illegal trafficker, and maybe tomorrow they will be reunited.

Meanwhile El Güero Estrada and his friends are enjoying themselves, throwing money like some ''benevolent Gods" to the costumers at the bar. Then two officers approach Estrada, let him know that the leitenant Miguel Becerra is waiting for him outside; but Estrada tried to avoid the meeting, excusing himself but the officers let him know that they are trying to do thing by the easy way, and Estrada forcibly end-up accepting. Once outside the bar, and after getting inside the police patrol, Becerra ask Estrada about what he could know of a man found that on the woods (Garañon); and Estrada denied know something about it, just that he was shot with expansive bullets, according to the newspapers. Then Becerra ask him about a woman found dead on the other side of the border, found by the border patrol (Asusena); and Estrada cynically denied it, stating that he don't know nothing yet, because is not published on the papers. Annoyed by Estradas response, Becerra begins to interrogate him at gun point; let him know that he doesn't need a judge authorization to ''screwed" someone of he's type, and if he do not tell him everything, he's dead. Estrada doesn't have much choice, and snitch on Chicho Marquez (his main contact on the trafficking of immigrants). And as Becerra and his officers leave, Estrada ''flipped" them all.

The following morning, Dimas is getting ready to go to work with the rest of his co-workers, and thanks to his friend, Dimas spotted El Güero Estrada approaching to Billy Matthews' house, and Dimas head to meet him. After Estrada and Billy greet each other, Dimas ask Estrada where is Asusena; and Estrada excuses that they were stopped by the border patrol, and send to Mexico, and once in Mexico, Asusena decided to return to El Slavador, out of disappointment. Which saddens Dimas, becuase they didn't have nothing left, back at home. Then Estrada and Billy have a private talk inside Billy's house, where Billy argued that he is aware that Estrada is laying about Dimas' sister, but Estrada end-up denying it, and promises Billy that next time he will delivered him a ''beautiful señorita", and also adds that he wants he's money, and Billy paid it. Once outside Billy's house, Dimas confront Estrada, by ask him how Asusena return to El Salvador, if he kept the rest of their savings; and Estrada laid by saying that he lend her some money, that he need to pay him back.

A moment later, El Güero Estrada is delivering women from the group of immigrants, to a Asian pimp (because during the argument he had with Billy, he states that he should take the women he brought him, because one is pregnant and the other two cannot handle the job), and without they know it, they are sold to him; and before Estrada leave, one of the women (who turned to be Dimas' friend), ask him what type of work they will do for the ''gentleman", and Estrada lied statithat she and the other will be ''professional escorts". After getting pay and leaving the brothel, and as he's driving, Estrada pull out of the road; because he got frightened by Asusenas' apparition, as a sign of guilty conscience.

The following morning as Dimas is about to begin to work with the rest of his peers, he spotted Billy Matthews' truck, and he approached him. Billy ask Dimas if he needed something, but Dimas let him know that his fine, and the job to; but he just need him to let him go to Mexico, to make sure if Asusena is alright. And Billy tell Dimas that he should wait, because El Güero Estrada is coming during the night, to bring ''some fun" to the others; that he could talk to him, to assures him that his sister is alright. And Dimas agreed. During that night as the co-workers are having their ''fun", with women brought by Estrada, Dimas approach him to ask if he has any news related to Asusena; and Estrada laid that she was taken by two American tourists to Los Angeles, as their children's babysitter, and assures him that if she contacted him again, he will make sure to not forget to ask her about the phone number, which he ''forgot".

The following morning, El Güero Estrada is hanging out with his friends on a remote, and desolate area; playing cards. And after Bing bored for a while, Estrada proceeds to go hunting to the woods; and he indeed go to hunting, but hunting two Guatemalan immigrants, that are trying to head to Chicago to reunited with their family. After he had returned, he tried to play cards to with his friends; and this time he let them know that he had more money to keep ''betting", which causes some wonders in his friends. And then Estrada propose them that this time, they could play russian roulette for real; because last time, before he head out to "hunt", he had trick them that he had place a bullet inside the revolver, when in reality he hasn't. But both of their friends just remain quite; as a sign of not wanting to play anymore.

During the night and as the co-workers are sleeping, Dimas is smoking as his worrid about Asusena; and then decided to go to smoke outside, after hearing that someone had cough. Once outside as his smoking, Dimas witness that a fire flame appeared at a distance on the ground; which shock Dimas, and then after meditating for a while, Dimas decided to head back inside the house.

As El Güero Estrada is getting ready to begin his morning routine, he is approach by two men; who beat him up and take him to a beaten-up Chicho Marquez; how is angry with him, because is aware that Estrada snitch him to Becerra. And Estrada tried denied it, but is useless; and Chicho order he's men to take him to the railroad bridge. Once on the railroad bridge, Chicho's men tried to throw Estrada from the bridge, but he manage to stab one of the men, and the other one throw it down from the bridge; and then Estrada sneak behind Chicho, and shoot him in the head.

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