Kim's Video (2023)
An Extremely Interesting Story That Feels Lost
1 February 2023
Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival

"Kim's Video" is a documentary that follows trail of beloved video store films from New York City to Sicily. The history of Kim's Video is pretty interesting especially those who love collecting physical media. Directed by David Redmon and Ashley Sabin, while the film never feels boring, it's unfortunate the documentary goes all over the place.

The presentation is pretty good and there are pretty good archival footages used showing the history of Kim's Video and how it's legacy has changed over the years. There are interviews from participants that were very interesting to listen and observe. However, the documentary gets lost as the film tends to focus way too much on the personals side of the main filmmaker rather than focusing on the history and facts behind Kim's Video.

It's understandable where the filmmakers are trying to approach but the main structure doesn't feel focused. It goes from an documentary filled with facts and historical ideas to an personal journey that feels a bit full of itself and not self-aware. "Kim's Video" was never boring but it was annoying to see the uneven structure of the documentary and discussions that felt a little unsatisfied.

Overall, it's not bad but it's pretty underwhelming.

Rating: C+
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