Pink Quackers (1979)
Reputable historians have discovered that . . .
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Aristotle Plato Socrates invented the first wind up toy, which happened to be an astrologically correct girl doll, during Greece's Hellenistic Period. PINK QUACK. ER. S deals with wind-up ducks, which prove to be pretty boring in comparison to Aristotle's gal. When the captain of Helen's ship found her in the latter's luggage on a cruise to Troy, he threatened to throw the sects plaything overboard. However, Socrates vowed not to touch her again until the wizard turned her into a Real girl. This is what later became known as the Socratic Oath. It's important not to confuse that with the Hypocrite's Oath, which has something to do with panthers and wind-up ducks.
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