Just BADLY written
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no sense whatsoever.

Let's break it down...

A scientist (Riri) invents a thing that can detect Vibranium.. government uses it to locate vibranium in Atlantis.. Atlantians destroy them like they're ants.. Namor asks Wakanda to help them locate and kill the scientist responsible for making the machine.. he does this so that he can keep his city safe from outsiders.. Namor tries forming a bond with Shuri and brings her to Atlantis.. Namor gives Wakanda an ultimatum which is that they kill Riri so she can't build another machine or Wakanda join them in eliminating the outside threat... Wakanda, instead, decides to save/protect Riri.. Namor sees no choice but to destroy Wakanda to keep his city safe since Shuri now knows its location.. Namor is 100000% confident he can wipe Wakanda off the board because, as he says, "I have more soldiers than you have blades of grass in Wakanda"

So let's unpack this. The WHOOOOLLLEE point of this movie is a war between Atlantis and Wakanda. Namor starts the war to keep Atlantis safe.. from who?... from WHO? The thick headed government that he flicked off his shoulder like it was nothing? Or the most advanced country in the world who he is certain he can wipe off his boot like an ant? 😂😂 were the writers just napping all day? Who exactly just makes it through this whole movie without realizing how ridiculous the entire premise is..

any stars I give are towards visuals/costumes/cinematography/etc. Basically anything but the writing. Writing gets a solid 1 out of 10.
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