Review of Deadline

Deadline (2022– )
Budapest is quite pretty isn't it?
4 February 2023
Well the Budapest footage is quite nice. Though sadly not nice enough to compensate for the rest of this laughable farrago. And laugh I did, on more than one occasion. Probably not a great reaction when tension is meant to be the prevailing mood.

What's slightly frustrating is that Deadline is not without potential. However that potential is squandered on a script that really needs a few more drafts and a good script editor. As it is, what's been sent into production comes across as a rush job that papers over its flaws, perhaps in the hope that the viewers won't look too closely if the thing moves fast enough. The problem is that the absurdities we're expected to gloss over are just too glaring to ignore, an issue which accelerates as each episode progresses. By the final part you'll be hurling the remote at the screen in protest.

James D'Arcy almost saves the show by dint of his considerable acting chops, but his efforts are just not enough when the premise of the script is working against the cast from the outset.

Deadline wants to be a twisty-turny slow-burner with a killer finale - instead it's a poorly constructed house of cards that collapses in a welter of bathos.
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