4 February 2023
I'm sure she is, in many ways, a nice person. But she built her life and career off of her looks and her body. She altered her body as well to garner more attention. And let's be perfectly clear, regardless of how nice a person she may or may not be, a leaked sex tape did not derail her career. A lack of talent did. What she learned is that looks and big boobs alone cannot carry you for long in that business without some talent to back it up. It was just easier for her to blame others and that leaked tape.

She claims she had a rough beginning, and if those things did happen to her she has my deepest sympathy. But she chose her own path, made her own decisions once she was an adult. And a whole lot of them were not good or healthy choices. Many of us (and I speak from experience) had very difficult childhoods. But we chose better for ourselves once our choices were our own. You can choose to live your adult life in victim mentality and make that your excuse for the bad decisions you make or you can be victorious and rise above it.

But where she really lost me is when she put out that book that made what I believe to be false accusations against Tim Allen. That was it for me. There are some has-beens who just try and get attention any way they can. I won't be suckered in.
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