Bones: The Bones on the Blue Line (2010)
Season 5, Episode 15
Big Day for Swaisy
4 February 2023
Maybe I've just never paid enough attention, but I don't think I've ever understood why the victim was killed. We don't really need to though, because the side plots are much more interesting, but no matter how much I wrack my brain, it still doesn't make any sense.

I love that Ms Iwanaga just tags along with Booth and Brennan for the entire case, even when they're visiting suspects, and every time she equates B&B to Agent Andy and Dr Reichs, Brennan's reaction is pure gold.

I would absolutely love for there to be a real version of Brennan's book, solely because I am desperate to know what's on page 187 and what is Hodgins' "thing, that he does".

The Daisy and Angela car scene was great, it's very sweet that Daisy seems to be ingratiated into the team so much that Angela's giving her advice on her love life with Sweets. And it's very hard to ignore the overt car product placement which has become a staple of the show at this point.

With Hodgela separated and B&B still not together, despite that intense conversation at the end of the episode about soulmates, it's lovely that at least our beloved Swaisy seem to be on the road to living happily ever after.
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