Viking Wolf (2022)
Why does this have a low score!!!?
5 February 2023
I swear a lot of people have poor taste or have been COMPLETELY programmed by regular, subpar, run-of-the-mill mainstream nonsense, that their minds have melted or they're in a perpetual state of discombobulation.

Put simply; this film is brilliant!! It's simple, well acted, and is not ruined by the insertion of the most-prevalent western Alphabet agenda.

This is brilliant! I don't get the hate!... simple is better, in most cases.

Nowadays we're fed big-budget nonsense, that forces an agenda or two but is unbearable, at which point it becomes a pointless watch.

This film snuck up on me; I found myself feeling so sad for the girl.

When her little sister recognised her while she was in werewolf form and said, "I can help you..." I cried uncontrollably.

Don't listen to the other reviews; listen to me; watch this: you will not be disappointed. This film is decent! Simple, but decent.
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