Accused: Scott's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Society's Crucification
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A father who knows about his son's plan to do mass killing, has the opportunity to kill his son before the dreadful plan took place. He didn't do it because his son wanted to connect emotionally with him. The open public court tried to crucify him for not killing his son. The question is if he did kill his son, the trial would be to crucify him as a bad father. A hypocrite society trying to find scape goat for everything bad by justifying criminal action.

A mother who loved and would do anything for her children, trying to convince her husband to be closer to his son, while the father tried to convince her that his son needed 'special care' for his violent behavior. Yet, after all the mass killing, she stated to her husband that she wished he had killed their son. A hypocrite society trying to avoid responsibility of her actions.

In this day of information freedom, half story is usually ending up with a scape goat, but only the scape goat suffers as the accusers point fingers of blame. Welcome to the ruin of modern society.

PS: I will also be to be blamed as a hypocrite if I read this in the news because of the half story.
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