Oh dear god...
6 February 2023
Right, well I can't exactly claim to be harboring any expectations as I sat down to watch the 2022 horror comedy titled "Werewolf Cabal" from writer and director Chris Sanders. I had never actually heard about the movie prior to getting to sit down and watch it. And seeing that the movie had Vernon Wells on the cast list, well that was something that sort of made an alarm clock go off.

But I still opted to watch the movie, on account of it being a horror comedy that I hadn't already seen.

Comedy? Nay, "Werewolf Cabal" was most definitely not a comedy. I wasn't brought to laughter once throughout the unfathomably slow paced narrative. Nor was I even brought to a smile. "Werewolf Cabal" was fully and wholly devoid of anything even remotely comedy related.

And as for it being a horror movie? Well, my friends, that might be stretching the term horror quite a bit. Unless you consider something that looked, sounded and felt like a home-made video as being horror, well, then you're in for quite a horror treat.

The acting performances in the movie were bland. Nothing noteworthy here, but thankfully I've seen worse in other movies, so that counts for something in favor of "Werewolf Cabal", I suppose.

Visually then "Werewolf Cabal" offers nothing interesting or worthwhile either. The werewolf was painfully obvious just an expensive halloween costume. And you know you're in for a bad time when a werewolf movie has werewolves with inarticulate heads, which clearly is just a furry, rubber mask.

If you enjoy werewolf movies, such as I also do, then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Werewolf Cabal" from writer and director Chris Sanders. The best part about "Werewolf Cabal" was actually the cover/poster.

My rating of "Werewolf Cabal" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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