Chaos in the (near) best way
9 February 2023
Both episodes are highly entertaining, and far more random and surreal than most before it.

Hall monitor (9) Hall monitor is the absolute best that can be done with such a strange concept. Seeing Spongebob mess things up in the most outlandish ways possible using an otherwise mundane occurence is a blast and the dramatic irony employed in the episode's second half is hilarious. It's one of the season's strongest without a doubt.

Jellyfish jam (8) Jellyfish jam is a bit less funny, though that's an easy bar to fall under. The antics the jellyfish get up to are ridiculous yet highly enjoyable and the jokes come fast and hit hard, even if it loses its way by the ending.

These episodes are up there with the strongest in the season, making this one worth watching if you want to enjoy yourself immensely.
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