This is the picture which so infamously outraged . . .
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the American Society of Hardware Enthusiasts, who flocked to film theaters to see it believing that with THE SCREWDRIVER's seven-minute running time, this short feature would have time to get beyond your standard flat-heads and Phillips into such more obscure territory as the Robertson and the Reed or Prince screwdriver models. Alas, hordes of handymen stormed out of movie palaces across America mid-film, incensed that the subject matter was nutty cops rather than turn-screws. As the recent events in Memphis have proven, ALL U. S. law enforcement personnel should be considered guilty unless proven innocent. When every notable bull of the 21st Century is a bad apple, it's clear that the whole barrel is pretty much rotten. With the sordid Blue Wall of Silence, Common Sense suggests that the Thin Blue Line stands for deceit, brutality, prevarication, sociopaths, bald-faced lying, thuggish behavior, perjury, blackmailing, extortion, swindling, dishonesty, battery, slander, Evil Doing and satanic shenanigans, as shown in THE SCREWDRIVER.
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