The same old story about organized crime getting rounded up
12 February 2023
Rod Cameron certainly is no Bogart and rather make an impression like Fred MacMurray all miscast and out of place in the fogs of London, where he gets kidnapped and drugged with some bogus truth serum while he nevertheless only can produce mumbles, that will not satisfy the hoodlum gang he has run into, which proves to be some international fascist league working under cover of some impeccable peace organization - there will be no peace here, only hard knuckles, murders and gunfire. The film is saved by Lois Maxwell who works on both sides, employed as a secretary by the organization and supplying the police with information. The Italians are interesting here, caught in the spiral of organized crime and trying desperately to get away, one after the other getting caught in the slaughter. It's a bleak copy of more organized noir films, there is not even much cinematography here except for the fog, and Rod Cameron will make you yawn when he doesn't use his knuckles. The story is weak routine stuff, you have seen it all before, while only Lois Maxwell is interesting.
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