'Faking It' perfectly describes this documentary making
13 February 2023
First of all a warning ... before you start writing your review, make sure you open it in a separate tab, otherwise if you switch back to the page to check names, everything you have already written will be lost.

I had to carry out some research before writing this, because I knew there would be people who asked how I had the audacity to question the work of such supposedly respected experts in their fields. The one who immediately aroused my suspicions was Prof Dawn Hunter, a Professor of Linguistics apparently, who felt it necessary to don a pair of ludicrous and totally unnecessary, monster headphones in order to let us know that she was an 'expert' in this kind of thing. Well I'm sorry, but you were making up the rubbish you were trotting out as you went along, turning mere hesitation or repetition into virtual confessions of guilt. I have singled her out for special opprobrium, yet every one of the 'experts' presented here were the kind of people usually wheeled out for American minor-channel documentaries about Bigfoot or alien abductions.

The footage shown has all been seen many times before and used very much better, yet they all seem to be very shy of repeating John Lydon's very prescient comments given in a 1978 radio interview which caused him to be banned from the BBC. Overall, the impression given was that the historical footage was there mainly for decoration, basing it mainly on the rent-an-expert waffle.

If ever shown again it will probably be on Blaze or Quest Red at 2am. I clicked the no-spoilers button because it would be impossible to further spoil such a wretched waste of viewing time.
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