A surprisingly smooth, enjoyable blend of "Xenaverse" & "Saturday morning"
14 February 2023
'Hercules: The legendary journeys' was consistently enjoyable, if also consistently middle-of-the-road; its spinoff, 'Xena: Warrior princess,' was uneven, but absolutely outstanding and unquestionably superior at its best. How did I go 25 years without being made aware of this animated crossover? Well, maybe it's not so difficult an answer. I think this is enjoyable, worth watching, and especially recommendable for fans of either series. That recommendation comes with a minor caveat, though, and I can see why in all these years 'Hercules and Xena - The animated movie' hasn't been as famous as its parent programs.

'The battle for Mount Olympus' has two primary facets to it. The first is a recognizable cast of voice talent (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Michael Hurst, Kevin Smith, Alexandra Tydings, and more), and a world and characters derived from Greek mythology that will be gladly familiar to fans of the shows. In the broad strokes of John Loy's screenplay, all this will feel like a return home for those who enjoyed the live-action adventures, as the dialogue, characters, scene writing, light comedy, and indeed the narrative bear flavors we know and love. Powerful and boastful Hercules, comic relief Iolaus, strong-headed and fierce Xena, reliable sidekick Gabrielle, devious Ares, villainously jealous Hera - and plenty of monsters and action. Joseph LoDuca's score even takes clear inspiration from the original series in some measure. If not exactly canon, this is definitely part of the "Xenaverse."

The second primary facet of this film is that it is unmistakably geared toward a young audience, and specifically modeled after other cartoons of the 90s. This isn't to say that there aren't more adult-oriented elements that ride a line between "PG" and "PG-13" (mostly when it comes to any women and their sartorial arrangements), but it looks and surely feels like any animated feature or series we might have seen in the preceding decade. To obtain that look and feel, it means that 'The battle for Mount Olympus' contains snappy pacing (including exposition that is achingly crammed into an opening song), zany antics (i.e., more cartoonish humor and plot ideas than either live-action series at their silliest), simplified writing, and sometimes over the top voice acting. To whatever extent one may enjoy this, they must do so with acceptance that this is as much a Saturday morning cartoon as it is kin to 'The legendary journeys' and 'Warrior princess.'

With all this having been said, there's much to admire about 'Hercules and Xena.' The story is actually rather solid in and of itself, engaging and satisfying. As far as the details go, I often found myself thinking "Yeah, that's totally something the show would have done," even in some of the more ridiculous moments. Even the involvement in the tale of only a handful of gods is in keeping with series precedence; how often did we see more than a few immortals in a single episode? The animation isn't the top of the line, and does perhaps feel a tad dated, but it was at least about on par for 1998 - somewhere on the spectrum between the 80s 'He-Man and the masters of the universe' cartoon, and contemporary fare like 'Johnny Bravo.' Some moments or particular inclusions are especially well done, such as the designs of the titans. The sound design, meanwhile, is surprisingly great - I've watched some brand new, major cinematic releases that were distinctly inferior in this regard. Every sound effect, note of music, and exclamation or line or dialogue rings out with welcome crystal clarity. Some jokes or gags are genuinely funny; some action sequences are earnestly exciting, the climax above all. The end result is meaningfully entertaining across the board, and for as gauche as the original songs are, I'd be lying if I said they weren't well done, too. (The "Titan's song" sequence is an especial minor delight.)

The picture gathers strength as it progresses, and ultimately ends on a strong note. None of this is to say that 'The battle for Mount Olympus' is flawless, and perfectly entertaining for all comers. Much like its live-action brethren, an animated vision thereof is indubitably an acquired taste, and surely even more so on account of the ways the saga has been rendered more appealing and suitable for young audience members. Still, I had mixed expectations when I sat to watch, and at length I'm pleased to say that I had a good time watching. The syndicated series are more dependably deserving, sure, and as a matter of personal preference I can't say that everything herein meets with equal success - but all involved turned in good work all the same, and a movie that only wanted to have fun achieved that goal. There's no need to go out of your way for 'Hercules and Xena,' but if you have the chance to watch, this is a fine way to spend a mere 80 minutes.
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