Exceeded Expectations
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Glad I can rate this separately from Silver Destiny. It's honestly impressive how this show built up over subtly. It starts out episodic with the first 6 episodes but you get a sense of the character dynamic with Sarah and Rachel. You notice Rachel's toxicity and Sarah's more calm manner while still wanting to indulge what Rachel wants to do because they're best friends and they need each other right?

The final 2 episodes are beautiful. Like they did not need to make the last 2 episodes THAT good. Everything you've been watching previously pays off beautifully as now you're actually faced with what would happen if the characters split up. Sarah lives a normal life, has character growth, finds love, finds tragedy, and fulfillment, and it's honestly beautiful. Because despite the tone of the previous episodes, none of this was played for laughs. It's a genuine character study. Rachel however continues partying and then eventually realizes she's been wasting her life and eventually realizes how bad of a person she was and begs to change her ways and have a second chance, even though now the two are worlds (literally) apart. And even though some of that part was played for laughs, it's still mostly serious. The reasons why those 2 episodes work so well in this series is due to the previous 6 building up the chaotic dynamic between the two. If they didn't do the tonal shift towards the end, I probably would have given this season a 6 or 7, but due to Cusack and crew pulling off a beautiful last two episodes (and honestly an extremely fitting finale if this was a 1 season show), I'm gonna give this an 8/10.
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