King Coal (2023)
Brilliant walking of a fine line
16 February 2023
This film manages to achieve what so few do: Take a look at a subject without resorting to cliche or repetition. So many perspectives on coal are black and white -- this one explores the complex and historical relationship with coal of the people who live and work with it. It does not demonize coal or coal miners, nor does it whitewash the devastating effects of the industry on the land and people. For once Appalachians are portrayed in a nuanced, compassionate way, and with the perspective provided you come to understand how and why coal has helped and hindered Appalachia. It took me several days to conclude what I had been trying to figure out: This film is art, not just a simple documentary. It braves the risk of presenting a story within the story, focusing on a child and how she grows up with the complicated realities of her region. The stunning visuals made me eager for others to see past the stereotypes into the beauty that is this sacred place. Well done, Ms. Sheldon.
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