Star Trek: Voyager: Critical Care (2000)
Season 7, Episode 5
A doctor for everyman.
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Solid episode.

It all depends on what country you are from. I live in a country where healthcare is "free" (paid for with high tax rate) and if you are in critical care you will get treated quickly ---- if you are not critical then you best roll the dice and hope for the best because we have limited doctors and a shortage of nurses.

The episode itself is clearly a commentary on the USA healthcare systems. If you have money --- well, welcome to best health care that money can buy. If you don't have money or insurance you are completely screwed and treatment will result in going bankrupt.

There is an interesting hands off approach to solving the ethical/moral dilemma's with mass healthcare in this episode. Instead of money the determining value is based on how much you contribute to society. It's like a perversion of the 'needs of few' mantra. It does insulate the doctors and society from having a guilty conscious through rationalizing the great good of society.

Healthcare is a tricky thing. My dad had a stroke many years ago and spent 6 months in a recovery hospital ---- that would have cost hundreds of thousand of dollars without our universal healthcare. I am definitely on team 'universal healthcare' --- it's not perfect but it's there for you regardless of class, color, orientation.
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