Boring and lazy storytelling like the whole franchise
17 February 2023
As I wrote in the headline: Boring and lazy storytelling like the whole franchise. I don't know why I always try to come back and try to give it a chance, but it happens every few years and it always ends up the same. First lots and lots of rules are established. Then after about half the episodes are over suddenly some of these rules are broken and the reason is always 'just because' and that that 'just because' (which is always totally random stuff) can be done to break such a rule is never explained or even teased in any explanation before UNTIL it happens and then they explain 'yeah! That is possible because the moon in the second day of a month is a full moon and when that happens you only have to bury the sword of the samurai to use ot to seal the soul of a little child and with that you can break this specific rule' (totally made up by me, but these explanations are always exactly like that).

And by that everything suddenly makes no sense anymore and gets confusing and boring. I also always end up skipping through the last 10 or so episodes and don't feel if I miss anything out and am happy that it's over after that.

So as always, by that I meam like the other Fate animes, it's a very, very bad anime which isn't worth your time.
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