Maybe I Do (2023)
19 February 2023
The opening twenty minutes starts well with two couples in mysterious situations negotiating their circumstances. The fact that they are older, and that the actors are well-known, adds more intrigue.

But this interest does not last long as we meet the younger generation who are the very personification of bland, literal and boring. Their dialogue is of the earnest pop psychology, greeting card, coffee mug bromides that passes for incisive adult debate.

This fault should not be critical, after all Oscar Wilde wrote one of the worst plays by a professional dramatist, ever, in "A Woman of No Importance'' which is just a series of his prepared barbs and repartee strung into a plot. Audiences liked it, nevertheless.

In Maybe I Do the pivot to the droning younger couple means the entire work shifts down to twaddle, but worse, its garrulous drivel that yaps and yaps to cover the lack of intelligence and insight into the debate about married love.

Even the moment when the couples who started the movie meet up, is bathetic. It lacks humor and tension. A good writer and director could have done better - the cast have the chops - but on screen, we're presented with a limp unfunny plot point that had to be delivered to get to the last act.

Obviously the piece wounds down through multiple prosaicisms and platitudes to reach its destination. The experience is marginally less painful than surgery without anesthesia, but no less nauseous.
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