Review of Laps

Laps (II) (2020)
Real, witty, romantic all leaving me with positive vibes
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watch a lot of RomComs - this one hits all the marks and Amazon is bringing the unique ones this year! The writer and director team created real, relatable characters and Allison's Ally is what my age women are - in all their confident forward glory with moments of real insecurities - it was refreshing to see a character who could be funny, a little raunchy, career driven and yet finds that life is about learning to balance. We don't get it right all the time but the importance is that we recognize when we've become someone we aren't super stoked on. This movie took all the right turns, had the heart and sap I needed at just the perfect moments. Shot in the PNW for the win!
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