Deadly House Call (2022 TV Movie)
Proof That Good Help Is Hard to Find
20 February 2023
This film essentially begins in a hospital room where an elderly lady named "Ruth Lockhart" (Darlene Cook) has been admitted for an undisclosed illness. During this process, a young nurse walks in and administers an intravenous drug to her. Almost instantly Ruth realizes something is wrong but the nurse, rather than helping her, calmly walks out. Less than a minute later, Ruth is dead. The scene then shifts to a large mansion where a funeral reception is taking place for Ruth. During this time, it is revealed that Ruth's extremely wealthy husband, "Warren Lockhart" (Neville Edwards) is suffering from a severe case of dementia and, as a result, requires constant supervision. To that effect, although his daughter, "Madison Lockhart" (Joanne Jansen) is doing the best she can, her work schedule simply doesn't permit her to spend nearly as much time as he needs--which is causing problems for everyone concerned. Suddenly, as if by sheer coincidence, a young woman named "Rebecca Wilson" (Sierra Wooldrige) arrives and informs Madison that she was a friend of Ruth and has come to pay her respects. Not long afterward, she soon becomes indispensable to the family. But what nobody knows is that Rebecca is the same person who poisoned Ruth in the hospital--and she has equally sinister plans for the entire family as well. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this movie started off adequately enough with both Sierra Wooldrige and Joanne Jansen playing their parts quite well. Unfortunately, the movie seemed to lose its momentum further on down the line before eventually ending on a totally unrealistic note. Everything was just too simple and convenient. Be that as it may, while I don't consider this to be a bad movie necessarily, it still left me somewhat disappointed, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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