To the Stars (2019)
Ruined by the "Message"
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a kind story of a girl with more confidence helping out another girl. Instead it was shoe horned into the "message" that ruined it for me.

The movie starts with Iris who is bullied by her school mates and has a problem with "accidents" during the day. Making it so she has to bring a change of clothing with her. Her mom is not supportive - and sort of evil. And just about everyone feels bad for her. Until, the new girl comes to town. The new girl, Maggie, defends Iris from the start and helps her come out of her shell and get control of her problems.

It was at this point I was grateful that they had not made Maggie interested in Iris - in that way. As I initially saw that happening. Maggie helps Iris get together with a boy she had a crush on and it all seems very on the up and up.

Until that is... the story makes Maggie out to suddenly be a lesbian who can't control her urges and goes after an adult. Yes an adult. In the 1950s? Right. They do age Maggie up to about 17, Then for good measure one of the teenagers finds out by literally going to someone's home and snooping. Outlandish. Things don't go well from there but it didn't add too much to the story other than giving more force to Iris's determination to stop letting others bring her down... which is laudable.
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