The mystery of the dead unidentifiable frogman who wasn't just washed up
21 February 2023
This is a peculiar thriller which will lead you the wrong way all along. A dead man is washed ashore on the coast of Ireland, and Conrad Phillips is sent over to establish if it is the spy long since believed dead who now really is dead or not. The corpse is too unidentifiable for anyone to be able to identify, but for the case of a ring found on his hand which then is missing. The girl who found the body denies having seen any ring, but then she is upset by finding it has been stolen from her. All these winding threads leading away from the mystery - we actually never learn who the dead man was - serve only to mystify and mislead the audience from any possibility to get on the right track, and Conrad Phillips is most misled of all. There is a conclusion which will take everyone by surprise including Conrad Phillips.
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