Break Some More Lights On Broadway
22 February 2023
Constance Bennett is the big star of the revue; Joan Crawford a established dancer and Sally O'Neal s Joan's friend, new to the show, and dazzled by it all: the lights, the costumes, the parties, Miss Bennett's 'friend' Henry Kolker, who begins a play for her.

I expected this to be one of those three-girls-on-the-town comedies, but it turned out to be a serious drama about what happens to the three young women. Unfortunately, given this is MGM with its new-found gloss thanks to the designers, cameraman John Arnold (who would retire from the set to run Metro's camera department) it takes itself far too solemnly for me to take it seriously. The three ladies are fresh-faced and lovely. But this version is too title-heavy from Eddie Dowling's play for the early direction by Edmund Goulding to work its magic.
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