Fortunately, a lot more than just feeble.
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very silly yet graphic adult pupper show from Peter Jackson of Lord Of The Rings fame(!) it features every bodily fluid and sexual sin known to exist... along with a bit of drug-dealing and graphic violence on the side. Sufficed to say, this is definitely NOT for the kiddies. Unless you want them to grow up weird, or something.

But within all the explicit, potentially very offensive material, there IS a kind of sweetness that ultimately lifts the movie up from being just a mannequin snuff film. There are some genuine friendships and sympathetic moments now and then, and some of the nicest characters even get happy endings.

So even though all most people will remember from the early effort of a legendary director would probably be the puppet nudity, the profane musical numbers and (especially) the bloody climax, it's to the movie's credit it's a bit more than that. So yes, I would just about recommend... but get ready for a wild ride you won't forget in a while. 6/10.
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