Downton Abbey: Episode #5.3 (2014)
Season 5, Episode 3
Does anyone else find Miss Bunting to be very rude?
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lively episode in which Robert is placed on the wrong foot in almost every situation. This is largely due to the presence of Mr Bricker, who really is after Cora though she is too blind to see it. Then there is the business about Mrs Patmore's nephew Archy who cannot be included in the War Memorial. I really do not believe that at this time there were many people who would have defended a man shot for cowardice. That said I really enjoy watching Downton Abbey, despite its occasional foray into historical revisionism.

I find one or two of the characters grate on me from time to time, none more so than Miss Bunting (ably played by Daisy Lewis). I find it odd that no-one seems to call her out for this. She turns up to various social events at the Abbey and without fail delivers a barbed comment normally calculated to start a fist fight. However, it seems her quite modern social views somehow excuse her complete lack of manners.

I really don't believe that people would behave like this when a guest in someone else's home. Often the "lower classes" are portrayed as completely ignorant of social norms - take Tom's brother for example in the Christening episode, wanting to have his dinner with the staff. This is done I suspect to highlight how out of touch the aristocracy are in the modern world. However, the fact is that while Tom's brother may not have known which fork to use he would most certainly have been bought up to at least be polite in someone else's home.

Miss Bunting however appears to have not been taught anything of the sort which makes me wonder how on earth she became a teacher. I am not entirely sure why she was written this way. Was it to demonstrate how far Tom has changed from his first days as a member of the family? Was it to introduce a long term love interest for him? If so I am not sure Miss Bunting is the right character choice. She is just too patronising and controlling and I couldn't see him really falling for her at all.
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