Very funny and sometimes serious
26 February 2023
This is mostly a comedy, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get serious sometimes. Much of the humor comes from misinterpretation of what was seen when not all the facts are known. And a lot of the humor comes from the mobster stereotypes, which of course describes most of the actors. But the leading actors do more than come across as mobsters, and they show they are capable of more. Some actors do a very good job of not being good actors, or anything more than mobster types in their real lives.

And there are serious scenes. Not everything is funny, and some of the Shakespeare lines are quite realistic.

I don't know anything about Michael Rispoli but he is very good in this role, wanting to be taken seriously as an actor but nearly always seeming like the Italian mobster type, or at least the typical Italian resident of New York City. Still, he has one scene where he does a wonderful job. He is trying to do Shakespeare, after all, and he does that quite well.

Paul Ben-Victor also does a great job as the play's director. He seems to know so much and he is the least like a mobster of the entire group.

Katie Stevens is great as the pretty daughter who aspires to play the female lead in a high school production of "Guys and Dolls". However, Salena Qureshi nearly outshines her as the slightly naughty best friend with an attitude.

Of all the Shakespearean acting, Anthony DeSando is the best. He could really do Shakespeare on stage and get rave reviews. And there is more to his role than just acting in Nick's play.

Charlie Semine is also very good as an actor, and even in his scenes where he is merely doing his day job.

Annabella Sciorra doesn't have a lot of lines but she is good as the wife and mother.

Mandy Bruno Bogue is a stereotypical New York City mistress and tough girl, and quite good looking. She is paired with Donna Marie Recco in some scenes and they are quite good together.

I didn't mention a lot of the actors, but they are good too.

And one thing about Italians, mobsters or not. They do like good music, and this movie has a lot of that.

Is this family friendly? It was cleaned up for TV when I saw it, but really, that's to be expected from men like these. It's not too bad.

I had a great time.
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