The "loving cup" trophy labeled "Spinach" . . .
27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . presented to the title character at POPEYE'S 20th ANNIVERSARY banquet. Such loving cups were invented by England's 14th Light Infantry, aka the Prince of Wales Own, in June, 1813, when they intercepted one of Napoleon's chamber pots from a lumbering French baggage train. The tasteless Brits bronzed this vessel, chugging lemonade from it each time they defeated the short little weasel in battle. As he became the laughing stock of Europe, the insecure tiny French "Emperor" fled to Waterloo, where he suffered his final ignominious military defeat, which he subsequently blamed on the absence and "misuse" of his lucky chamber pot. Popeye seems to deserve his "Napoleon Treatment" here.
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