MacGyver: The Golden Triangle (1985)
Season 1, Episode 2
Stupid assumptions shot down
28 February 2023
The first stupid assumption is that everyone in the episode is talking English. I know they are, really, on screen, but get off your high horses, idiots, and think, if you can. If they were talking whatever their local language is you wouldn't understand them. Not good TV. And don't give me guff about subtitles. There are no subtitles in life.

So what do we think? James Bond is an expert in Oriental languages. And if the word "Oriental" bugs you, who cares? Why shouldn't we assume that the one guy is speaking the language of all the others? Because you're too dumb to think that way. The whole idea behind "macGyver" is to open one's mind to potentialities. Open yours, dolts. If it doesn't make sense one way turn it around. To have higher degrees he probably had to know languages. It's been a while since I was in college and grad school but I had to. Fortunately I studied history so I was required to know, like, Latin. A chemistry major might be helped by Greek but a guy in McGyver's line of work probably finds living languages more helpful.

Second is the asinine (accent on first syllable) writing it off as "white man to the rescue" rubbish. Grow up.

Is macGyver white? Someone has to be. Let's say "free man to the rescue." MacGyver wasn't sent to rescue people. But he stayed because of his humanity. People born in a free society don't understand how people whipped down all their lives by slavery and oppression are. And they're not trained fighters.

Liberal Democrat Hollywood types (who made this episode) set up bad guys all the time who are the sort of people who are bad just because they are. They probably don't put two seconds' thought in how oppressors of all colors and cultures are; but all people are the same. Oppressors are oppressors and whipped cur oppressed types are whipped cur oppressed types. Why don't you Dumbbunnies crack open a psych book once in a while, if you can read?

Given the look of some imdb reviews they can't write. The oppressed peopke in this episode needed a catalyst to get their fight for freedom jump-started. Enter MacGyver, Mr. Catalyst.

Frankly, though, I don't like this episode. It's good to see people fight for their freedom and feel empowered to (the yahoos who toss around the term "empowered" in the free US really have no clue; go to Russia or Ukrane and talk about empowerment; a good friend of mine is hosting a Ukranian family and they got excited as all get-out by a pizza parlor and the empowerment to order so many varieties of pizza--in the end they all ordered different pizzas and all had slices of each). But I'm not happy with the level of violence in this episode. MacGyer may not like using guns but he has no compunction about really damaging people. He's a hypocrite. But in this episode he doesn't bestow freedom. No one can do that.

Freedom is never given. It's accessed by governments and oppressors like Nazis and USSR and Red Chinese types getting out of the way of ordinary people pursuing their happiness. Fewer laws, fewer oppressors telling you what to do. That's freedom.

But it's a violent MacGyver. If you watch it strap yourself in. And keep an open mind, a rarity in the 21st century. Thank God I have one.
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