A very dry, but informational documentary
1 March 2023
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "The Martha Mitchell Effect" (PG - 2022 - Netflix) Genre: Documentary/Biography

My Score: 6.3 Cast=6 Acting=6 Plot=7 Ending=6 Story=7 Interest=7 Cinema=4 Direct=6 History=10 Pace=4

The Cabinet wife who spoke out during Watergate and the Nixon administration's campaign to gaslight her into silence.

I knew about the Watergate scandal, but I didn't know about Martha Mitchell or her involvement. This intrigued me right off the bat and it did drop some knowledge on me that I didn't already have. The problem I had with this was the documentary was so dry that I had to wipe the dust off my TV twice in the 40 minutes it took to see it. If you are interested in Politics or Watergate specifically, I think this is worth a watch.
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