Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris (2013)
Season 3, Episode 1
An amazing start to the new season
1 March 2023
Game of Thrones is not just a television show. Game of Thrones is a full-fledged event. I have spent the better part of this weekend glued to the television, streaming episode after episode in a marathon of screaming, swords clashing, blood spraying, dragons roaring, and sexposition sexpositioning. To say that the first episode back after a very long wait was eagerly anticipated would be an understatement. Game of Thrones has lost nothing in the long wait between seasons; indeed, the best show on television has gotten even better in the interim, even if HBO telegraphed one big surprise with its "Previously on" round-up. Even with that spoiler (avoid it if you can), the show is nothing short of brilliant thanks to the steady hand of David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. The bulk of the episode this week picks up right where the Battle of Blackwater leaves off. King's Landing is rebuilding, bodies are washing up on the shore, and Joffrey Baratheon is even less popular than he was before the battle - and this is a kid who started a riot and murdered dozens of starving people after being hit in the face with flying poo. However, in a clever note, we see that Margaery Tyrell giving a lesson on how to win people over in a way that instantly makes Cersei hate her with a burning passion. She's got a bit too much of her father in her. Charles Dance may be the show's best actor when it comes to delivering long, blistering monologues. In season one, he ripped into the Kingslayer while ripping into a deer carcass. This season, the carcass he rips into is that of his mangled son, Tyrion Lannister. Despite being blessed with the family name and all the money and power that it comes with, he's the black sheep, the family curse, the physical manifestation of the rot in the Lannister soul. Being a good hand of the king, saving King's Landing with a brilliant scheme, destroying Stannis' fleet. Game of Thrones has taken massive steps towards cranking up the show from a looks standpoint. Director Daniel Minahan doesn't do a lot of trickery this episode aside from a few very clever overhead shots and some of the dragon work, but he doesn't have to because the crew behind the scenes have chosen some of the best-looking, most-interesting filming locations available in the world.
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