Like every other review here, the hosts, particularly Tom Allen, are terrible
2 March 2023
If you're a big fan of the British Baking Show, as I am, you may have seen this title appear on Netflix and figured this would be pretty similar to that other show. Unfortunately, you would be wrong.

First of all, if you've never appreciated what a host brings to a show, you will when you watch this one because you will see how much a bad host can ruin the experience. The writing is terrible, but the two hosts make it even worse, especially Tom Allen. Liam is not good, but I don't find him particularly grating. Tom, on the other hand, has a horribly annoying voice, and his personality is like nails on a chalkboard. I honestly can't fathom why they hired him or why he was allowed to stick around for more than one season. Every review seems to come to the same conclusion.

I noticed that some people also do not like the judges. I do, but they are not as warm as Paul and Prue or Mary Berry. Granted, they are also not British. Benoit is French, and Cherish is from Singapore, though she honestly makes me think of some kind of German BDSM dom. Anyway, I find them enjoyable in their own way, but I can understand some people not finding them as approachable or possibly a little more harsh and direct with their critiques.

The show itself has a different format. Instead of individual bakers out for themselves, there are six pairs. Each episode, they do two desserts, and one pair gets eliminated. When they are down to three pairs, they set them aside and start over with six new pairs. When three have been eliminated, they combine the two sets of three pairs and start over again with six. They then go back to eliminating pairs until a finale, where they have a winning pair.

I don't mind the format, but I do prefer what happens in the regular British Baking Show.
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