Very, Very, Valentine (2018 TV Movie)
Screenplay Written by a Woman
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Viewing this movie from a male perspective there are some glaring problems.

First, it is VERY bad form for a woman to carry on with a man, at a social event, other than the man that brought you - it's very disrespectful.

It is even worse to share the play by play of your time with the other man with the man that brought you-that is just cruel

Further, it is absolute fiction that any man that has a crush on a woman would independently strive to find the other man - why would he do that? This is a feminine fantasy that the man loves her so much that he wants her to be happy even if it isn't with him.

He helps the other guy win the heart of the girl that he has had a crush on since college-he doesn't even fight for her. Then feels so sad that he takes a job in a different city.

It a seems like a device to get a happy ending. I never bought the premise that any guy would do something that would make him sad or that any woman would be so clueless - until that romantic finish.
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