The only good thing about this film is the premise, everything else was abysmal
4 March 2023
This was a bad movie. The direction, the acting, the camera work, the script, everything except the extremely thin premise was a bomb from the get go. Ranks as the worst movie I've seen so far this year and undoubtably will rank in my top 10 worst by the end of the year. I can't believe I sat through the whole thing. Where was the tension? Why are these men so organized, almost like they played Call Of Duty a billion times before doing this? But, on the other hand, they are so dumb that they cannot come up with a plan to catch this chick other than the extremely basic one that we get set up with in the first place? Why is this chick so dumb herself? She couldn't make a life/time saving desicion if it was the last thing she does. Why weren't any of the machines in the shop used for killing anyone, when it was teased for so long towards the end? Why did they write this as a mystery if they were going to make it so blatently obvious who the villians are and why they are doing this? Why, why, why? I have about 100 other whys for this film, but I'm not going to bother asking them because I already know the answer. The director and producer are numbskulls who thought this would be a good idea but had no clue on how to execute it properly, let alone write a decent script or direct their actors appropriately. I feel bad for the actors because the script does them no favors. The bad guys sound like generic npc villians from a video game and all the other dialouge ranges from unbelievable to downright laughable. Nobody talks like this in person, nor would they act the way they do. Also, how do you not know when you're stepping on something, such as someones hand hanging from a ledge when you are literally looking for a person? Not even a glance to see what it was. Just dumb and reinforced my idea of this basically being video game cutscenes for a video game they didn't have the money to make. I could not recommend you stay away from this dumpster fire more. I got ripped off, don't let it happen to you. The 10's on this site were no doubt written by someone involved in the making of this film. Has to be, because the film could be a fun parody if it wasn't for the boring, derivitave and ultra serious tone it has throughout.

0 idiotic desicions out of 5.
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