Battleground (I) (2022)
Idiocracy of the Left! (Update: Roe Vs Wade Overturned!)
4 March 2023
"American democracy and abortion rights" have Nothing to do with each other, the two are irrelevant in every way. Where is Democracy when Tax Payers are forced to Fund Abortions, the abortion clinics, and the salaries of staffers? There is No Transparency of where our tax dollars are used at Planned Parenthood, there are numerous scandals of tax dollars allocated for PP clinics going to fund Democrat party initiatives.

"Justice Alito's majority opinion not only sustained the Mississippi law but also said that Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the 1992 decision that affirmed Roe's core holding, should be overruled. The reasoning in Roe "was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences," Justice Alito wrote. Nov 2, 2022.
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