Glenn Miller Time (1961– )
Big Band Heaven
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've grown up loving the sound of the Big Bands my whole life. I played them as a young person, and now these are still my preferred music. For those who love this sound this is close to TV nirvanna as I've ever found.

There was a time when networks had replacement shows when the primary show was on "Summer break" There are ten episodes of this show and it sparkles with energy and joy.

Ray McKinely was tapped to lead the GM "Ghost band in the 50s after interest in Big Bands took off after the movie "The Glenn Miller Story" with Jimmy Steward was a hit. He infuses this version of the band with energy, style, swagger and power. The players are all really good.

His co host Johnny Desmond was an original singer with Miller and had a great career. Not as charismatic a presence as Sinatra or Bennnett he still does a great job on these tunes.

The production has spare sets for the half hour shows and lots of energy and a rare word to use to describe a tv show today- Joy. It's a happy show although there are some slow and somewhat sad songs featured at times. It's difficult NOT to start your feet tapping to these tunes and their treatment of them. This is NOT a plodding "By the numbers" recreation but a living breathing big band that hits on all cylinders. This engine hasn't been downsized!

One of the regular featured singers is the lovely Patty Clark who is somewhat obscure today. She has a lovely voice, delivers great performances and exudes class and charm. It's a shame she never hit the "Big time" hit parade. She certainly had the chops to do so. I hope she had a wonderul life.

The band does an incredible number of Miller favorites, In the Mood, as well as some newer numbers. They were even releasing new recordings on the RCA label up through the sixties.

Highly recommended viewing if you can find it. You might try yourtube for excerpts. It's a wonderful introduction to why Big Bands are so awesome.
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