A tale of life - of good lives
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even though this film is a fantasy drama, it may be too real otherwise for some viewers. And the vast, vast majority of people, would not be entertained by a movie that portrayed their everyday life. Movies should distract one from the humdrum of daily existence - if that's what one feels life is like. For others, comedy, excitement, adventure, mystery, drama, sci-fi - they all offer some sort of relaxation, or entertainment. But there is something special in this film, and that's what makes it much more than a humdrum picture of life in a small lobster-fishing community in Nova Scotia. That is the very fantasy aspect of the magical or miraculous moss that Cody Brewer finds in one of his lobster pots one day.

It is the focal point around which his family and all of their small community will live for several days, The story is a good one, even if it may be way too slow for so many adrenalin-charged young people of the 2020s. Yes, it is a family story as well, perhaps more of a reason that more people should take the time and patience to sit through the film. Because, even with the inadequacies of Cody Brewer in his attention to his wife and son, there is deep love among these three. Young Jake, of course, has the hardest time accepting and living with the life his family has. He's harassed because he has old clothes to wear to school. But, he doesn't give in to the bullying of Timmy Brock.

Cody's wife, Martha, says she never expected any other kind of life, but she married him for who he was. When they discuss what to do with the miracle moss, she's says he will do what's right. "You always do," she says. And, Jake, seeing that his father wouldn't sell the moss to a big pharmaceutical company just to get rich, slowly discovers a deeper wisdom about life that his dad has. That leads to a fine conclusion, father and son, with no words necessary.

The local sheriff is quite clever in his way of trying to track down the thief of the green moss. This adds some light humor to the story. It's plain to see that Cody gets along with all the people in the community; and that he's also a head taller than most in his heart and his wisdom about life.

The cast all shine in this film. I like the film makers' clever and humorous title too.
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