Review of The SZN

The SZN (2023 TV Movie)
Average at best
9 March 2023
Ok I give it a 4 for a few reasons 1. There where times in the movie where you guys cut to daytime stock footage and it was clear as day it was night 2. How many days does the movie take place over it feels like it was a few days but the one lady and a few others never changed there look so that kinda loss me 3. There where a few sound bites here and there but sound was a overall 8 and it has a cool score 4. I think as a writer/director you have to learn to really use not only the dialog but things around you to really tell the story you guys didn't do that at all 5. The movie looks nice it's colorful and has a sharp image

There where some other key moments that just don't add up

we see a guy getting killed in the beginning of the movie at the office where 90% of the movie takes place but we never heard anything about the dead man did he just disappear With all the day to night stuff going on you can't follow the story

Now there where some good acting in this movie at times but the times it's not are so over the top it's not even funny I would say watch it for yourself and be the judge.

My advice would be take some time and look at some screen writing tutorials on how you can use other things then the characters spoken words to tell your story's and have your DP look into the are behind camera movements it will help keep the viewer engaged and focus on the screen.
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