Review of Movie Crazy

Movie Crazy (1932)
Harold Lloyd encounters a series of unfortunate events...
10 March 2023
... and seems to get blamed for all of them. Sure, he's clumsy, but he isn't the cause of half the bad things that happen to his character.

Lloyd plays Harold Hall, a guy who is "movie crazy" - he wants to be an actor in Hollywood. First unfortunate event - He writes a letter to a movie producer stating his desire to become an actor and has a photograph of himself he plans to mail with the letter. His father looks at the letter and mixes up a photo of a much more handsome fellow with Harold's photo, and the handsome fellow's photo is what gets mailed, unknown to Harold. So when he gets a letter back saying to come to Hollywood for a film test he has no idea what has happened.

Once in Hollywood, there are more mix-ups, the main one being that he doesn't realize that the beautiful Spanish girl he meets on a film set is actually actress Mary Sears (Constance Cummings) in make-up with a fake accent. He can't figure out how Mary knows everything he says to the Spanish girl. The dark side of things is that Mary has an actor boyfriend who has made it clear to Harold that he'd kill Mary before he'd see somebody else have her.

Lloyd was always the optimistic young man of the roaring 20s during the silent era, and by keeping things in the rather make believe land of Hollywood he manages to avoid setting this film in the depths of the Great Depression.

Lloyd was very successful monetarily - a very good businessman. As a result he could afford to outright retire from filmmaking after 1938 and never worry about money. This made his films - and in particular his sound films - become rather obscure and hard to find. Ironically, Buster Keaton stayed much better known because he was bad at the business end of filmmaking and had to keep working.

This film is very funny and I highly recommend it.
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