Ah, I get it...
11 March 2023
"Osho" = the guy we used to call the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and who ran an infamous cult in Oregon most noteworthy for using the money he fleeced from his Believers to buy a record number of Rolls Royces. Seriously, look it up. 93 of them. Yes, you can read that again: 93. And he had his business act together, alright, as one of the cult's sub-entitites was the Rajneesh Modern Car Collection Trust, whose sole purpose was to deal with the acquisition and rental of Rolls-Royces. Oh - and the other thing that's perennially popular with cult leaders, which is having sex with as many of their followers as possible, sometimes limiting it to women, others not so picky. In other words, you probably don't need to watch this if you're looking for insight into Just Another 20th Century Cult, because it's pretty much like the others. It's about greed of all the usual flavours.
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