Stepping into Love (2023 TV Movie)
Low energy modern art
12 March 2023
Another day and another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie. It's sad because movie doesn't suffer from obvious technical issues like so many other co-produced between ROE and Sunshine Films. It was even filmed in the beautiful Miami where plot takes place, and it was the only reason why I watched movie until the end in the hope it can finally get better.

Cast and acting are so-so. No chemistry between main leads. I personally mostly liked Ricardo Burgos.

This movie is romance but a really stretched one. It's more about modern art, and depending if you like or dislike it... I'm in the later camp so I simply can't enjoy it no matter how much movie is done well, and this one wasn't anyway.

Watch 2:14 min long trailer because it's ROE and they always compress whole movie.
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