Good start to the season
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a solid start to the season. This season is teams of 2 with "ride or dies" featuring 2 people of opposities genders (one man, one woman). There's obviously partying in the first episode and some arguments through the first episode mainly involving Turbo. There are tons of rookies as most of the paratners feature someone who's never been on the show. THere are also severral all rookie teams. There's one challenge where you have to answer questions about your team and find the corresponding numbers in a dirty pool of water on the ground such as your combined ages. With this season the team that wins has to nominate 4 teams ujp for elimination. One team is chosen to compete , while the other 3 teams have to choose daggers and if you have nothing on the dagger chosen you are not safe but if you find the dagger with safety on it your okay. The team who wins safety has the option of choosing another team to save. This happened so we don't know what happens if no one is chosen. There's also another twist with other teams joining that are Challenge royalty with Nani and Bananas joining the show. Good first episode.
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