ANOTHER Preachy Movie. Yawn.
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Is anyone else tired of this Age of Preach being a nonstop constant in-yaw-FACE agenda going on quite ironically from the most hypocritical creatures on the planet...? The constant badgering with the message of Wealth being a terrible thing: WE GOT IT. It's been what...? Well over a decade of this garbage...? Enough already, ffs.

I gave this a six, and I think I'm going to dodge another star or two for the copying of Monty Python's Vomit scene in Meaning of Life. It's been done, it's foul so only needed to be done once and not only did they copy, they went completely overboard (no pun intended) with it. I don't care if this is a spoiler, I'm flat out warning everyone that it is beyond overdone. That was not necessary.

I could go on, but I'm finding it terribly difficult to take instruction let alone take seriously any preaching from the very people who take their private jets all over the planet just to eat sushi or go skiing. "The people must eat less," while chewing some lobster and hitting Peter Luger's for the turf later, breaking a scale. But yes, we the little people and of course the sheeple must eat bugs to save the planet, right? Yes, I think I might dust off my Series 7 License and try to peddle bridges w/NASDAQ.
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